About Me

Let Me Introduce Myself

Hello I am R.D. Wright,

I am a River Guide and a Health and Fitness Coach based in southern Utah. My goal is to get you more prepared for the physical challenges of your upcoming river trip. I am a certified Health and Fitness Coach with a goal of getting you better physically prepared for the challenges of your river outdoor adventure. I have developed workout programs that are designed for the specific challenges of river adventures.

I first fell in love with running rivers when I was a kid.

Rivers were a part of our family and our family vacations. My Uncle was a river guide out of Moab, Utah and took me on my first multi day trip. From then on I was hooked. I had a cousin who then became a river guide so it just seemed fitting that I try it out myself. For the past 23 years I have been fortunate enough to have made being a Grand Canyon River guide my career, and I am still just as hooked as ever on the thrill of showing people the majesty that these rivers and canyons possess.

Aside from river adventures, I was fortunate enough to grow up with a very active family. Our vacations were centered around Rock Climbing, Skiing, and trying to climb to the top of whatever tall mountain we could find. I was encouraged to participate in traditional sports as well and this is where my passion in fitness began. I was able to be a part of the collegiate Track and Field program and eventually became a Pole Vault coach for the local High Schoolers. From this experience I decided to get a certification from The National Academy of Sports Medicine to be a Health and Fitness Coach.


Over the years I have witnessed the specific struggles that river adventures can possess. So I have decided to take my experience as a guide as well as a Health and Fitness Coach and come up with workout programs designed to help with these challenges.

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